
International Buyers Roundtable

On September 19th and 20th, a delegation of foreign buyers will be present at the Valve World Expo India (Summit & Expo). Exhibitors and Visitors will have the opportunity to engage with these international buyers. The delegation aims to explore and potentially procure valve and valve-related products in India.

On September 20th at 14:30, the delegation will conduct a comprehensive presentation detailing their specific requirements, expectations and approval processes for potential suppliers. This presentation will provide invaluable insights into the criteria and standards that must be met to do business with these international buyers

The session is designed to be inclusive and informative, making it a must-attend for all exhibitors and visitors interested in expanding their market reach. However, due to limited seating, pre-registration is required for attendance. We encourage all interested parties to register to secure their place at this event.


  • Visitors will get complimentary tea/coffee.
  • Workshop attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

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